• Welcome to
    Vimla Devi Seva Sansthan
    Mainstreaming the poor and downtrodden towards development and national progress through promoting
    people's organization as the key element to achieve a self-reliant community
  • National Skill Development Corporation
    Acquaintance with the country's rich tradition and heritage for getting imbibed with the spirit of using
    efficient use of modern resources
  • Help The Poor
    For Their Better Future
    Make provision of opportunities to thedisadvantage sections of the communityfor there
    all round development


Vimla Devi Seva Sansthan, an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization that came into existence in year 1998 with the vision of mainstreaming the poor and downtrodden towards development and national progress through promoting people’s organization as the key element to achieve a self- reliant community.

Since its inception, VDSS has continuously strived for the mission of creation of self -reliant community by adoption of participatory approach, acquaintance with the country’s rich tradition and heritage for getting imbibed with the spirit of using efficient use of modern resources, provision of opportunities to the disadvantage sections of the community for their development, creation of awareness, conscientisation of social, economic and political incidences which have kept the rural mass poor and deprived and emphasis on women empowerment and slum development.


Good Team
10+ Consultant
100000+ Trained trainees
Across 25 district Cover in Uttar Pradesh
3+ Ministry


1- Major Changes in the ground water situation

2- Water demand and water management

3- Gaps in the demand

4- Situation of the potable water source and distance from houses

Water quality

5- Water quality

6- Storage of water

7- Rain water harvesting

8- Drinking Water availability for livestock Sanitation